WOW is it H O T in Texas. The car read 109, so I'm guessing it's about 100. Last night we walked along the river front and finally got that BBQ brisket that I've been craving. Ethan begged to ride one of the boats so we did. The tour the guides give is really interesting and it's cool to see the city from a different angle. The tour itself lasts about 35 minutes. As our tour guide was giving us the rich history of a building along the river walk, Ethan decides he wants to ask a question. He begins by asking me if he can raise his hand. So I look at him and ask him why he wants to raise his hand. He whispers, rather loudly, that he wants to ask a question. I pause and think to myself, "this ought to be good". So I answer him with an affirmative nod and he raises his little hand. He waits patiently until the girl is through giving her speech about the current building and acknowledges him. She looked down at him and said, "Do you have a question, Little Buddy". He so sweetly asks, "What time is it?". Everyone got a good chuckle out of that. You never know what you're going to get when Ethan speaks.
Today was our day at Sea World. Without question the all around favorite was feeding and petting the dolphins. The kids enjoyed a few kiddie rides and we were able to see two shows. It was kind of crowded for the first week in June and it was definitely hot. We are back at our cool hotel room and plan on doing a little swimming before tomorrow.

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