i write about my mother often in my posts. one reason is that as a mom, i can relate most of my experiences to her. it's no secret that men and women process events, problems and even joys in different ways. however, i don't want anyone reading my blog to underestimate the vast impression made upon my life by my father. it is hard for me to put into words the intense feelings of love that i have for my father. but i would like to try.
this morning as i was cleaning the house i was humming/singing as i usually do. and a special song popped into my mind. it was wide open spaces by the dixie chicks. my daddy once told me that this song reminded him of me and i have never forgotten that. i can't listen to the song without my heart welling with love for my father. and there are a few lessons in the song that hold true for me and my father.
who doesn't know what i'm talking about? who's never left home, who's never struck out? to find a dream and a life of their own. a place in the clouds a foundation of stone?
anyone who knows me well, knows that i am a home body. i love to be at home with my family and rarely do things without my family. i lived at home through college. i tried twice to live on campus and returned home within one week each time. the first time i moved from home was when i went to seminary in new orleans. my father, mother, sister and grandmother drove down with me and helped me unload everything into my dorm room. then we ate at popeyes. i didn't eat. i sat there crying the whole time. i cried for hours when they left. but this time i made it. and i fell in love with a boy going to seminary in fort worth texas. so at the end of my first quarter, i packed up my car with my belongs and i headed to texas - the wide open spaces. texas. now i was 9 hours away from my family instead of four. but the foundation of stone had already been laid in my life. my father made sure that the foundation of our lives was that of God because God's foundation stands firm (2 timothy 2:19). i was finally ready to leave home, to build my life on my foundation. God's foundation.
she needs wide open spaces, room to make her big mistakes. she needs new faces, she knows the high stakes.
mistakes. wow, i've made a lot through out my life. and i know of several big mistakes that were very painful for my father to witness. but he loved me enough, and trusted the Lord enough to let me make those mistakes. you see proverbs 22:6 tells us to train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. as parents we want to protect our children from mistakes. but if we protect them from every mistake, we prevent them from learning from the consequences. and we prevent them from learning how to rely on God. because as much as we might want to protect our children, we are human and we will fail. but God . . . He is faithful and just and ever present. and He loves our children more than we do.
as her folks drive away her dad yells check the oil.
when my daddy left me he always said, "remember whose you are". at the time i just assumed he meant my mother and himself. as i grew older and matured in my faith i realized he meant God. and because of the Godly rearing my father and mother gave me i have never doubted whose i am, nor have i doubted His love for me. i also never doubted the love of my daddy. and when it came time to chose the man to join my life with, i looked for someone like my daddy. a Godly man, devoted to living a life pleasing to the Lord, a man who would lead me and my children to love and serve the Lord.
daddy, you are more precious to me than words could ever express. i am thankful for your Godly example, your patience and support throughout my life and inspite of my mistakes. i love you with all of my heart.
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