let me set the stage. it's 1980/1990 something (i'm too lazy to do the math) and my mother's 35th birthday was approaching and i wanted to get her a gift. with a limited budget of a youngster's allowance, i set out in walmart in search of the perfect gift (this was back in the day when you could let your child go to a different department of the store without worrying about their safety). i have always been a practical person, which has generally been reflected in my gift choosing throughout my life. so i made my way to the domestics department. yep, household goods. for her birthday. and i find what i think to be a suitable gift. and it's funny. to me. and i, in my childlike innocence, think it will be amusing to her as well. the gift? a blue pot holder with the saying, "middle age is when you hear snap, crackle, pop and you're not eating cereal". wow. she was 35. knowing what i know now, you know we get wiser with age, i certainly hope that 35 wasn't middle age for her!
flash forward to the current day and time. i walked into the kitchen last night to finish cleaning up and i saw sarah's baby (a little lamb given to her at birth by my mother) on the counter. she sleeps with "baby" every night and i couldn't believe she had gone to bed without her. i also knew that if she awoke in the middle of the night unable to find "baby" that i would be awakened to find "baby". so i took "baby" and headed to her room to place her safely next to sarah. i take one step into the hallway and immediately realize that ethan is still awake. he's supposed to be asleep and if he sees me he will cry. so like a ninja, i take a step backwards in the hallway to hide myself from his view. unlike a ninja, my knee pops. and loudly. and i see ethan whip his head around as i am stepping backwards, knee a-poppin, and hear him say, "what's that?". i'm standing there in the hall way amused at his keen hearing (i mean my knee couldn't have popped that loudly, could it have???) and wondering how i'm going to get "baby" in bed with sarah without ethan seeing me. i peek around the corner and see ethan pick up his bunny and start looking at the tag. i decide this is my chance to accomplish my task. i lean forward and toss "baby" into sarah's room and smile as it lands perfectly next to her sleeping body. then i go to step out of the hallway into the living room and my other knee pops. i snicker to myself as i realize that age has not only brought a small amount of wisdom but noises i used to hear from my parents. and immediately i am thrown back into time - to purchasing that aforementioned pot holder and giving it to my mother.
i hope she sees the humor in this that i see. as a mother, i am sure that i am old in my daughter's eyes. she has told me so. and it's not so long ago that in my young mind my parents were old. so, i'm sorry mom. i hear the snap, crackle, pop too now. and i hope it's not middle age for me either! i love you!
children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. honor your mother and father, which is the first commandment with a promise - that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth. ephesians 6:1-3
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