wow. there's one week left in june. it seems our summer is quickly slipping away from us, but we've been busy and having a great time. last week was vbs and the kids loved it. they both love music and music is a big part of vbs at lakeside. so it was the perfect match for them. they like to say, "yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah to v v vbs."
today we went to desoto caverns. i didn't realize they have much more than the cave. the cave was nice though and it wasn't too much walking or climbing. there were only two sets of stairs that ethan and i missed out on. we waited at the bottom for the rest of the group. the stalagmites and stalactites are beautiful. the light show was a little lame, but maybe that's just me. the kids seemed to enjoy it. it was H O T though. by the end of the day we were sweaty and exhausted. but we made family memories and that's what counts. even got to enjoy some time with friends that i haven't spent time with lately. that's always a plus.
ethan made me laugh today. (he does most days though) we were sitting on the bench waiting for some of the group to finish an activity he and i could not participate in. and he wanted to go get into the water. he kept beckoning "come mon, come mon". but i didn't want to get wet and i didn't want him to get wet because i had a doctor's appointment on the way home and i didn't bring towels or a change of clothes. so i kept telling him no. he finally looked at me and said, "one, two . . ". i count to three before implenting discipline to ethan. so evidentally he has picked up on the "one, two . . ." as a way to get me to do what he wants. didn't work. but it did make me chuckle. i know that you're not supposed to laugh when they do something you don't want them to do . . but sometimes it's just flat out funny and you can't help yourself.
this weekend is shaping up to be a laid back weekend. sarah keeps begging to go to the pool so perhaps we can work that out. i'm not going to try and take both kids by myself! i'm too afraid one of them will get away from me. plus . . . i am not a "get wet" kind of gal. i really don't like to be wet. saturday i'll bake some mancakes (as d'an likes to call them) for some friends that have ordered them. sunday is father's day. i suppose i'll reflect on the three fathers in my life . . . my heavenly father, my earthly father and my children's father. both earthly fathers (my dad and my husband) are good reflections of my heavenly father. and for that i am thankful.
today we went to desoto caverns. i didn't realize they have much more than the cave. the cave was nice though and it wasn't too much walking or climbing. there were only two sets of stairs that ethan and i missed out on. we waited at the bottom for the rest of the group. the stalagmites and stalactites are beautiful. the light show was a little lame, but maybe that's just me. the kids seemed to enjoy it. it was H O T though. by the end of the day we were sweaty and exhausted. but we made family memories and that's what counts. even got to enjoy some time with friends that i haven't spent time with lately. that's always a plus.
ethan made me laugh today. (he does most days though) we were sitting on the bench waiting for some of the group to finish an activity he and i could not participate in. and he wanted to go get into the water. he kept beckoning "come mon, come mon". but i didn't want to get wet and i didn't want him to get wet because i had a doctor's appointment on the way home and i didn't bring towels or a change of clothes. so i kept telling him no. he finally looked at me and said, "one, two . . ". i count to three before implenting discipline to ethan. so evidentally he has picked up on the "one, two . . ." as a way to get me to do what he wants. didn't work. but it did make me chuckle. i know that you're not supposed to laugh when they do something you don't want them to do . . but sometimes it's just flat out funny and you can't help yourself.
this weekend is shaping up to be a laid back weekend. sarah keeps begging to go to the pool so perhaps we can work that out. i'm not going to try and take both kids by myself! i'm too afraid one of them will get away from me. plus . . . i am not a "get wet" kind of gal. i really don't like to be wet. saturday i'll bake some mancakes (as d'an likes to call them) for some friends that have ordered them. sunday is father's day. i suppose i'll reflect on the three fathers in my life . . . my heavenly father, my earthly father and my children's father. both earthly fathers (my dad and my husband) are good reflections of my heavenly father. and for that i am thankful.
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