it's been a busy day decorating for vbs. we're all exhausted, but it's one of my favorite events of the year. the lack of naps is starting to catch up with us. i'm sitting here at the computer with ethan at my feet crying. in an attempt to stop the whining, i hand him a butterscotch chip. immediately he lifts his other hand for one more. so now he has one in each hand, because that's what kids do. he licks one. looks at the other. he likes it. but he realizes that if he eats one, he will only have one. and he looks at me helplessly. he's seeking reassurance that if he eats one, i'll give him another. i have a bag full of butterscotch chips (i want to make a butterscotch pie), and i am willing to give him another one. but he has to trust me and eat one, freeing his hand in the process for what is to come.
i'm quite sure i see myself in my son. God gives me something good and i want one more. i like both things, they are good, but i don't want to let go. what if my hand is left empty? however, what if God is sitting there . . looking at me . . waiting for me to let go of one so He can replace it with another. i'm 34 years old. what have i missed out on because i just wouldn't let go? my mother always told me "hold on to your blessings with open hands. allow God to give and to take as He pleases. sometimes He takes and gives something better".
wise words from a wise woman. "her children arise and call her blessed." (prov. 31:28a) you are blessed, mom. just as you called your mother blessed, so your children call you blessed. may i pursue the legacy maxine left and you uphold.
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