today was a wonderful family day. we got up and spent the morning cleaning the house so that when we all return home it will be clean. then we ran to louise's to get a cake board and box for matthew's birthday cake. and what day would be complete without a trip to walmart? a good day. but we still went. thankfully we were only gone a couple of hours. a miracle in birmingham. then it was home to bake and decorate a birthday cake.
donald cooked new york strip steaks for dinner along with baked potatoes. delicious. he's such a grill master! it was his birthday dinner, but he graciously cooked it.
matthew's cake came out so good. i was very pleased with it. i hope that he and his family liked it as well.
ethan is doing good potty training. well, i guess i shouldn't say potty training. but he asks to go potty and he will tt on the potty. he'll come up to you, pulling at his diaper, and say, "i want take it off". then if you ask him if he wants to go potty he will say, "i want to go potty". and he will! he's gone several times a day for the past four days. every little bit helps.
goodnight family and friends.
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